Find out more about the project details and Frequently Asked Questions for the Lambruk Solar Project below.
Site Selection, Preliminary Assessment & Design
Scoping Report
Environmental Impact Statement
Venn Energy is developing the Lambruk Solar Project 15 km south east of Tamworth, north west NSW in the Loomberah region. The proposed development will include a 300MWac / 500MWdc solar farm and 300MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), which will occupy 1,003 hectares of a 1,528 hectare site within the Tamworth Regional Council Local Government Area (LGA).
The proposed site for the Lambruk Solar Project is located between Kia Ora Lane and Duri-Dungowan Road, near the villages of Loomberah and Timbumburi. Once operational the project will produce 300MWac, enough electricity to power 180,000 NSW homes and use battery storage to feed electricity into the local grid at times of high demand or low supply to improve grid stability.
The Lambruk Solar Project is expected to be operational from 2027 with a 30-year project life. The project is set to generate many environmental advantages and build a more sustainable future for the area. It will also create many social and economic benefits to the local community and surrounding areas.
Planning for the Lambruk Solar Project is still in the preliminary stages. Under the State Significant Development (SSD) process a Scoping Report has now been submitted to the NSW department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI), which documents the feedback received during intitial community consultation, ecology, planning and heritage studies. You can view the Scoping Report in detail via the DPHI website . Now that the Scoping Report has been lodged, a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared and presented to the community.
Construction for the Lambruk Solar Project is expected to take 18-24 months and is proposed to commence in early 2025 after planning and grid connection approvals are received.
Members of the community will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the project to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure as part of the SSD approvals process.
Venn Energy Pty Ltd (Venn Energy) is an Australian renewable energy development company, founded by Canadian developer Venn Energy Inc. and Aira Group, an owner operator of renewable energy projects in Europe.
For further information visit:
The Banksia Solar Project in QLD was the company’s first development asset in Australia. The project was started in June 2019 and received development January 2021 and connection agreement in July 2023. It is expected to begin construction in 2025.
Solar farms consist of a series of photovoltaic panels arranged in a ‘solar array’. These panels convert sunlight to electricity, with the generated direct current (DC) moving through cables to inverters. Inverters convert (DC) to usable alternating current (AC), which flows into an existing high-voltage transmission line that runs through the site. The Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) will provide reliable and efficient energy by stabilising the grid and shifting the supply of electricity from times of high supply and low demand to times of low supply and high demand.
The site for the Lambruk Solar Farm is located between Kia Ora Lane and Duri-Dungowan Road approximately 15 km southeast of Tamworth, NSW. The closest localities are Timbumburi and Loomberah, located a similar distance from the proposed project site. The lot boundaries cover approximately 1,528 ha within the Tamworth Regional Council Local Government Area (LGA), with the development footprint to occupy approximately 1,003 ha of this area. The land is primarily zoned RU1 -Primary Production, with small areas zoned RU4 – Primary Production Small Lots, which were rezoned from RU1 under the Tamworth Regional Local Environment Plan 2010. If approved, the Project is expected to be operational from 2027 with a 30-year project life, after which it could be decommissioned or refurbished.
Venn Energy has chosen the proposed site as an ideal place for a solar farm for the following reasons:
• The site is in an area of excellent solar exposure.
• An existing transmission line on site, allows for easy connectivity to the grid, and means additional transmission line construction outside of the project area will not be needed.
• The site has already been largely cleared of native vegetation and heavily disturbed by previous agricultural activities including cropping.
• The proposed layout allows for the minimal disturbance of native vegetation and wildlife. The greatest challenge for selecting where to develop new solar farms is identifying areas within the electricity grid with available capacity to connect. Once a suitable area has been identified within the grid, planning experts assess the viability of the area based on various opportunities and constraints, including ecology, transport, cultural heritage, hazards and amenity impacts.
The proposed Project is a 500 MW capacity solar farm and 300 MW capacity (1200 MW hour storage) Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). The BESS would maximise electricity exported to the grid and provide reliable energy by stabilising the grid and shifting the supply of electricity from times of high supply and low demand to times of low supply and high demand. The development footprint including all required components extends over approximately 950 ha within the Project site. The panels are mounted on a single axis tracker that changes orientation throughout the day to follow the sun and maximise energy captured. This project has the potential to generate enough clean renewable energy to (approximately):
• Power 180,000 NSW homes.
• Avoid the generation of 600,000 tonnes per year of carbon dioxide (CO2).
• Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions equivalent to that produced by 159,429 vehicles each year.
• Reduce GHG emissions the equivalent to the burning of 303,030 tonnes of coal per year.
Refer to project page on website.
Venn Energy is committed to consulting with project neighbours and residents in Loomberah and Timbumburi on a regular basis. As we progress through the Development Application process we will be reaching out directly to local residents, as well as providing opportunities for project neighbours and the community to ask questions and learn more about the project. We believe that the local community should share in the benefits of the Lambruk project and Venn Energy is proposing to establish a neighbour and community benefit sharing program. As part of this program, it is intended that project neighbours and the wider community will be involved to ensure funds are appropriately administered and we will continue to engage with the wider Loomberah and Timbumburi community.
We encourage people in the community to contact the project team directly about this topic:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0485 840 493
Venn Energy is committed to ensuring the economic benefits of the project are shared with neighbours of the project and the wider community in a meaningful and lasting way. Venn Energy is committed to an annual neighbour and community benefit sharing program with minimum contributions of $150,000 per year, over the expected 30-year operational life of the project.
Venn Energy are proposing a neighbour benefit sharing program for the project, which will ensure long-term financial support throughout the life of the project. The criteria for this program will be based on the proximity of neighbours to the project area as well outcomes of visual impact assessments. Venn Energy has been, and will continue to be, in close communication with neighbours to the project prior to lodgement of the development application and during the approvals process. Venn Energy are also proposed a Community Benefit Fund which will be designed to serve the needs of the wider local community. Investing locally will help support a sustainable and growing community. It is intended that the Community Benefit Fund will evolve over time in parallel with the changing needs of the community and respond to the matters that are important to the local community.
The proposed Lambruk Solar Project would have several potential direct and indirect economic benefits for the local community. A summary of the expected economic benefits which would be generated by the Lambruk Solar Project is
included below:
• Local employment opportunities for up to 350 employees and contractors during the construction phase, and up to 15 fulltime equivalent employees for the ongoing maintenance and operation of the site.
• Procurement of goods and services from local businesses for accommodation, meals, machinery contractors, construction trades, surveyors, cleaning services, security services, training service providers, building supplies, waste contractors etc.
• A neighbour and community benefit sharing program to fund local community initiatives and projects with minimum contributions of$150,000 per year, throughout the expected 30-year operational life of the project.
• Reducing the cost of electricity for consumers in comparison to traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources.
• Increasing Australia’s competitiveness in the international market for renewable energy.
The Lambruk Solar Project is still in the early stages of the planning process. A Scoping Report was submitted to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) in February 2024. This documents preliminary feedback received through community consultation, as well as preliminary results of specialist biodiversity, noise, social and visual studies. The scoping report is available
here: A comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is currently being prepared for submission to DPHI. Community will have the opportunity to review the EIS and provide comment and submissions as part of the assessment process.
If the project is approved, construction is expected to take approximately 24 months and is proposed to commence in early 2025, after planning and grid connection approvals are received, negotiation of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is finalised, and the financial close process is completed.
The Lambruk Solar Project is a large-scale solar energy development and is considered a State Significant Development. As such, it is subject to a comprehensive assessment that includes extensive community consultation and detailed consideration of any environmental, social and economic impacts. Further details about the process for assessing large-scale solar energy projects can be found in the Large-Scale Solar Energy Guideline (Department of Planning and Environment, August 2022).
The NSW Government requires cumulative impacts of State Significant Developments to be assessed as part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). These requirements are described in the Cumulative Impact Assessment Guideline (DPIE, 2021) and specified in the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs), which are the minimum requirements for the EIS to be accepted by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. Venn Energy will address the cumulative impacts of the proposal as part of its development process and EIS submission. SEARs were issued for the proposed Lambruk Solar Project. The full SEARs are available on the NSW Major Projects Planning Portal.
The project is required to assess the likely impacts of the development on the environment, focusing on the specific issues identified below, including any cumulative impacts of the site and existing or proposed developments in the region and impacts on the site and any road upgrades, taking into consideration any relevant legislation, guidelines, and industry codes of practice including the Solar Guideline and the Cumulative Impact Assessment Guideline (DPIE, 2022). Other state significant solar and wind developments would include a similar requirement.
The NSW Government has several guidelines and policies that must be addressed when assessing noise impacts of renewable energy projects. In relation to the Lambruk Solar Project, detailed modelling will be undertaken, with the results to be included in a Noise Impact Assessment, which is generally required as a part of the project’s EIS. Modelling is undertaken for noise sources during daytime and nighttime periods, noting that construction would be restricted to the following standard construction hours:
• Monday to Friday: 7 am to 6 pm.
• Saturday: 8 am to 1 pm.
• No work on Sundays or public holidays.
Noise modelling will predict the noise levels from construction, operation and traffic of the Lambruk Solar Farm and compare with the allowable limits set by the NSW Government.
The visual impact assessment for the Lambruk Solar Project will be undertaken in accordance with the recently revised NSW Large Scale Solar Guidelines (DPIE, 2022) which places further burden of assessment than previously required. The solar visual impact assessments will include a combination of:
Zone of visual influence
To determine the potential locations and dwellings in the area which may be able to see the solar farm.
Public viewpoint analysis
Assessment of potential impacts from public locations.
Detailed dwelling assessments
Where desktop analysis, modelling and site visits identifies dwellings they may have visual impacts. This may include undertaking photomontages at specific dwellings.
Assessment of impact significance
Assessing the sensitivity (e.g. dwellings have high sensitivity) and the visual effect (how much of the solar development can be seen) to calculate the overall potential visual impact.
Cumulative visual assessment
Considers other proposed developments in the area.
Glint and glare assessment
Assessing glint and glare from public roads and dwellings surrounding the solar development.
Mitigation measures
Proposed mitigation measures to reduce visual impacts if determined to be required based on the level of impact assessment (e.g. visual screening).
Yes. It is proposed that panel arrays will be spaced 4 – 18 metres apart, providing adequate space for the land to be used for agricultural purposes, such as sheep grazing. Livestock grazing has become a widespread practice in conjunction with renewable energy developments; this practice is known as Agro photovoltaics. Not only do livestock thrive but they also assist in maintenance of the project site, keeping vegetation low and assisting with weed management.
As required on all renewable energy developments, post-development water flows must be equivalent to predevelopment flows in terms of both water quality, path and volume. Extensive hydrology models will be developed for the site to inform the design process to ensure these objectives are achieved after construction.
The project will be designed to comply the NSW Rural Fire Service Planning for Bushfire Prevention 2019, which requires asset protection zones to be established around the perimeter of the solar arrays, substation and battery compound. In these areas, vegetation must be strictly managed to a high standard for the life of the project.
Yes. An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment and associated Aboriginal community consultation will be undertaken during preparation of the EIS. Prior to commencing construction, a Cultural Heritage Management Plan would be prepared in consultation with Aboriginal stakeholders and Heritage NSW and approved by DPHI. The Cultural Heritage Management Plan will assess the potential impact of the project on any sites of cultural significance and provide a detailed management plan should any cultural artefacts be identified during construction.
While there have been limited studies undertaken on the impact of solar renewable energy projects on property value in Australia, there has been a lot of research undertaken in regards to the impact wind farm projects, which are generally higher visibility than solar farms.
The Clean Energy Council of Australia released a fact sheet in 2013 that refers to a number of studies undertaken in Australia and overseas that found no negative relationship between wind turbines and property values. You can read more about it here.
The NSW Farmers Association has also developed the Renewable Energy Landholder Guide, which includes the following commentary:
“A 2016 review considered the potential impact of wind farm developments on nearby property values. The review used the best available data and traditional valuation sales analysis techniques, to compare the change in values around wind farms over time and qualitative information from a review of the international literature on the impact of wind farms on property values.”
The review concluded as follows:
“Based on the outcome of these research techniques, it is our expert opinion that windfarms may not significantly impact rural properties used for agricultural purposes. The literature review of Australian and international studies on the impact of wind farms on property values revealed that the majority of published reports conclude that there is no impact or a limited definable impact of wind farms on property values.”
Large-scale solar farms and their effects on temperature have been the subject of numerous national and international research investigations. Studies have concluded that the heat island effect does not apply outside the solar project’s perimeter.
Several studies have demonstrated that there are only slight increases in air temperature at solar PV farm sites, and that these temperature rises are confined to the immediate area, especially above the solar PV arrays with warm air rising due to natural convection. The studies show that temperatures match surrounding ambient levels only a short distance (30 m) from the boundary of the PV site.
These setbacks have been taken into account in the proposed design of the Lambruk Solar Project.
We value feedback from residents and wider Loomberah and Timbumburi community members and we always welcome the opportunity to discuss queries you may have about the project.
Please feel free to reach out to us by:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0485 840 493
Please fill in this contact form if you want information about the Lambruk Solar Project as the project progresses.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Venn Energy acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands in which we work and live and pays its respect to Elders past, present and emerging.